We exist to connect our community to Christ.

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Here at Palabra de Vida, we focus on doing five things together to carry out our mission, “connect our community to Christ.” As a family, together, we worship, grow, invite, love and work.


We worship

Everybody worships something. We want to worship God! It is so good to gather in Sunday worship in order to “give worth” to God. We listen to God’s Word. We sing. We pray. We confess sin and hear words of forgiveness. We leave church refreshed and healed. “I rejoiced with those who said to me: ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord’” (Psalm 122:1).

  • English Worship: 10 am (Sundays)

  • Spanish Worship: 11:30 am (Sundays)


We Grow

We want to engage every person in growing “in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). Through Bible studies and pastoral visits, the goal is to put our roots deeper into God’s Word, so that we produce more and more fruits of knowledge and love.

  • English Bible Study: 8 pm (Wednesdays)

  • Spanish Bible Study: 8 pm (Thursdays)

  • Catechism Class (10 years up): 10 am (Saturdays)

  • Kids’ Grow (5-9 years): 10 am, 1st Saturday of each month

  • Ask for individual Baptism, Marriage, Membership classes!


We Invite

We want to connect the next person to Christ! Jesus sent us to “make disciples of all nations” by “baptizing” and “teaching” them (Matthew 28:19-20). So we reach out to others to bring them to hear the good news.


We Love

Jesus said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). Through a variety of both programs and simple gestures, we want to show selfless love to everyone.

  • Food Drive: first Sunday of the month after worship

  • Clothing Drives: ongoing, large donation in October


We Work Together

The Church isn’t a building, it’s the people! The Bible describes the church as a body, with Christ as the head, and each one of us as the members of that body (1 Corinthians 12:27). Through giving of our time, talent, and treasure, we serve as Christ’s very body!
