Because of God’s grace alone. Through faith alone. In God’s Word alone.

We are a confessional Lutheran church. What does this mean? That we hold to three “alone” statements.

God’s Grace Alone

We believe that by nature we are enemies of God. In fact, there’s no way we can make things right with God on our own. Therefore, God brought us back into a right relationship with himself because of his grace, his love for us.

Faith Alone

Because of his love for the world, God sent his Son to rescue it from sin’s final blow: death. How does that life become mine? Through faith alone, that is, not just believing God exists, but by transferring trust from my own works to Jesus’ work on my behalf.

God’s Word Alone

This fact—that we are saved by God’s grace through faith alone, is only found in God’s Word. Therefore, our ultimate authority for teaching is not society’s latest idea or human tradition, but the Bible.

The Christian faith isn’t impossible to understand. If you would like to learn more about what the Bible says, or if you want to learn more about baptism or another course, indicate below and the pastor will reach out to you asap.